Monday, November 14, 2011

Potty Training...HELP!!!

So, for the last few weeks, as we've been spending more time at home.  We've helped Abby make some transitional changes.  The first change we made was moving to a big-girl bed.  It only took one night and went rather smoothly.  Often during naps and bedtime, she won't go right to bed, but look through a book or play with a toy.  Most times when I go in to check on her, there will be a book or toy right next to her in her bed.  Nonetheless, she always makes it into the bed!

Our next transition is to use the big-girl potty.  I am getting increasingly frustrated with the process and therefore, am asking all of you seasoned mommies and daddies to help!  I feel as if I've waited for Abby to show me that she's really ready to do this.  She let's me know when she is going pee-pee or poo-poo and she always comes for a diaper change when she's really uncomfortable.  She already knows how to flush the potty and what you do with toilet paper.  My biggest problem is that she only wants to play with the parts to her training potty and not use it.  When I put the little seat on the big potty she cries incessantly and refuses to sit down.  I'm not sure what else to do...if I can't get her to at least sit down, then how can I get her to go?  We've tried singing songs, reading books, looking at pictures, anything to get her to sit still.  But alas, this is probably every 2 year-old's problem.

So bring it on everyone.  I need suggestions, constructive criticism and help.  What do I do next!

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