Saturday, November 5, 2011

Make a Small Change

As a birthday tribute to my wonderful husband, I wanted to share a thought with all of you that he recently promoted without even knowing it.  Just last week something moved him to go out and get us a gym membership.  Little did he know it was just what I needed.  Not because I want to lose weight or fit into different clothes, but because I needed a motivator. 

I am a firm believer that there are people and events in our lives that can spur us on to better things.  Most of the time these people hardly know they were the catalyst to a life change, or the event is initially so insignificant that we don't even realize that it changed us.  Jim's purchase of a gym membership has been such a catalyst for my life. 

I had been putting off a lot of things, photo editing, blogging, keeping in touch with friends and family, doing small but necessary things around our house, writing in my journal to Abby, etc.  Being able to go to the gym and have time for myself any day that I want has been a God-send.  Our gym has daycare, so Abby gets to socialize (which she loves) and I get to think, relax, and improve myself. 

Over the course of the last 10 days, so many other habits of mine have been improving.  I have been eating better, have become more motivated, kinder, and more relaxed.  I have been cooking more, cleaning more, and have become more organized.  I am taking on challenges with fervor.  I have committed myself to giving back to charities all over the world.  I feel as if I have been a better mother to Abby, and a better homemaker.

My only fear is that this, like most sparks of energy and change, will dwindle and fade.  I am determined though, to allow this one small change to create a tidal wave of more small changes.  I encourage you all to find one small change to make in your lives and stay committed to it.  Do not let your doubt or fear in your stick-to-it-tiveness get in the way of self improvement.

Thank you Jim, the love of my life, for a gift.  I hope I will be able to give you the same kinds of gifts in your life!

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