Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Need To Laugh

Have you ever had one of those days where you just needed something, anything to laugh about!!!?? No, no, don't answer that! We all have of course.

Today was one of those days for me.  Lately I do know what to expect with Abby.  She is cutting her two year molars, so all schedules have been canceled!  Life is certainly like a box of chocolates right now.

We began the day with a very simple plan.  Relax this morning, feed the turtles, have lunch, stroll the mall for an hour, nap, etc.  Well, we didn't get to the mall and the stop prior (Barnes & Noble) was a disaster.  She found a toy she wanted and it was a reasonable request, so of course, I caved.

Little did I know that toy would solve my problem today and give me just what I needed - a reason to laugh!  The company is new to me, but maybe not to you (B You).  They use a lot of recycled materials and soy based products (which I love).  I was throwing away the packaging when I came upon this cute little booklet.  I began to read it (as Abby was screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to nap) and immediately began to laugh.  It was at that moment that I knew what today's topic would be.  Below are a few of my favorite sayings from this booklet.

Robert, age 6 :  "Mom! Stop!! Be careful, there are boys in the ivy!"

Sean, age 5:  "Did you know my Uncle Tony is driving around the country in a winning bagel?"

Keely, age 2:  "Jazz is my favorite color of music!"

Skye, age 6:  "I'm going to have five children and name them Cabbage, French Toast, Table, Shower, and Chair."

Sam, age 11 on his 6th grade science quiz:  "Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin.  Oxygin is pure gin.  Hydrogin is gin and water."

Callie, age 2:  "Mommy, you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world I ever saw before I left the house."

Clara, age 4:  "My triceratops is afraid of our dust bunnies."


Rio, age 4:  "If the day I came out of your belly is called my birthday, what is the day I went in called?"

Anyhow, I hope you all had a little chuckle at least.  It made me relax and laugh.  Lord knows I needed it today!  If you ever have a day where you don't need to laugh, try making someone else laugh.  There's a good chance they may need just what you have to offer!


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