Tuesday, November 8, 2011


A short message today!  As you can see by the title, I may be on my way to sleepy-town!!

Contagious actions, things like smiling, yawning, sleeping, coughing, sneezing.  Have you ever been around someone who did one of these things and then, shortly thereafter found yourself doing the same!  Well, my friends you are not alone. 

In fact, at this very moment, I am fighting falling asleep.  Didn't you sleep last night, you might ask?!  Well, of course, silly!  But, my house is currently full of sleepiness.  My 2 year old is sleeping, her jet-lagged daddy is sleeping, and all 5 cats are sleeping.  Where does that leave a very busy mommy?  SLEEPY!!!

Naps are great though...I napped just about every day in college.  A total battery re-charger.  So take your few minutes today of peace and quiet.  Allow yourself to succumb to sleepiness and enjoy your power nap!

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