Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Since we are quickly approaching the busiest shopping day of the year, I thought I would reflect on my feelings about Black Friday!

I can't remember back to too many Black Friday shopping days where I didn't do some sort or shopping or venturing out.  My mom was usually the catalyst for any number of these crazy days and for that I am thankful. I have fond memories of Black Friday craziness:  sitting on Santa's lap, Christmas music, sometimes snow, hot beverages, getting dressed nicely, etc. 

Shopping and I did not always agree.  As a child and a young girl I would always complain about having to go to the mall or stop at a number of stores in one trip.  My mom said I always said I had a headache about 30 minutes into the shopping trip.  Go figure - I am sure my husband wishes this were still true.

Of course, like most adult women, that sentiment changed very quickly!  I now enjoy shopping and it's actually taken on a whole different tone these days.  The evolution of my shopping interest went from seriously high, to normal and now to disappointment that, with a 2 year old I don't get to actually go very often.  In fact, I find myself buying only for her, or for our home now and not usually for Jim or I.

So, we come to Black Friday 2011.  I can't remember which specific year changed my mind, but I will not be venturing out on Friday at ANYTIME of that crazy day with all those bargain shoppers.  The deals aren't really that good (in my opinion) - most deals actually get better the closer you get to Christmas due to retail desperation.  And, if you have the time and energy after the holidays, you can find incredible deals right before New Year's.  I have also grown extremely tired of fighting for parking spots, waiting in line at the food court, for Santa, at the cash register, you name it.  Probably some of my lack of interest comes along with a small child as well.  Any of you with little ones will understand what I mean!

So, enjoy your shopping.  Drink a hot chocolate or nice cup of coffee for me.  Watch your kiddos squirm and scream as you wait for the perfect Santa shot.  Just don't expect to see me anywhere.  I will be somewhere other than a mall or a store - enjoying the calm and quiet!

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