Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited to New York City with my sister Lisa and my niece Paige. Paige is getting ready to go to college next summer and was interested in visiting FIT (the Fashion Institute of Technology). We took a train to Penn Station and walked a few blocks to the college. My good friend Kim Bricker met us there. Kim and her boyfriend Josh live in Jersey City and are both graduates of art programs. We sat and listened to an informational session, which was very basic; and then toured one of the nearby dorms, and visited the on-site fashion museum. Needless to say, none of us were very impressed.You certainly have to LOVE city living to enjoy that type of college.Afterwards, we all enjoyed a burger at a nearby joint. We then decided to take the subway to lower Manhattan and ride the Staten Is. ferry.

Paige had never seen the Statue of Liberty, so we thought it would be a great idea! It was, what a beautiful afternoon to sightsee. Finally we walked a few blocks past Wall Street to the Trade Center area. The straw that broke the camels back was the subway ride back to Penn Station. To say that we felt like sardines in a can would have been an understatement! But, it was a nice day spent with family and a good friend non-the-less.
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