A few days have gone by now, and we are patiently waiting to tee off. At least, Jim and I are patiently waiting! We had a few days of nice, sunny weather before things went downhill. We got up early one morning and took Abby to the beach for a quick little swim.

The Hilton Hawaiian village has a waveless, 5 acre pool that suits our needs just fine. It is adjacent to the actual beach and only a few minutes walk from our hotel. There are lots of fish, warmer water and no waves. Interestingly enough, all Abby wanted to do was walk...and walk...and walk.

There was a little playing in the sand, but not as much as our previous trip to the beach.

Later that day we went to the Tap Room and watched the Eagles loose. Bummer. Anyhow, Abby enjoyed the layed back atmosphere and a little time with Daddy!

Our time at the bar was over and Abby was in need of a walk. We walked through a large park, watched a wedding and some beach volleyball. Then we parked ourselves on the beach for the beginning of the sunset.

The sunset was again, just beautiful. But, as you can see there are far more clouds on the horizon than any vacationer wants to see!

The night sky and view of Waikiki is just as beautiful as any view during the day. We are staying on the 37th floor, so our view of the lights is probably better than most.

The next day was sunny again, at least for a little while. Michael, Kristina, and Jantzen Putnam are staying with us this week. So we joined Michael's mom at their hotel for a day at the kiddie pool. Abby wore herself out. She played and jumped and ran all day. Finally she decided to take a little breather and relax in a lounge chair.

The next day the weather changed. There were on and off showers, but mostly clouds and wind. The Tour daycare at the course was flooded so no wives trip for mom and no entertainment for Abby. We waited out the morning rain and in the afternoon had enough of a break to take a walk and go to the playground. I think Abby's favorite part was chasing the birds.

We walked back to our hotel by the beach and had a blast watching the kite boarders. It looked like so much fun, but probably really tough too! There were so many of them, they definitely out numbered the people on the beach!

Day one of the tournament was rained out. This is what you do when you aren't going to the course...hang out with Dad! We had a relaxed morning, but then decided that we'd had ENOUGH of the hotel room. The Putnams and us decided to hit the road, rain or no rain.

We took about a half hour drive to the Dole Pineapple Plantation. Our lunch was wonderful, pulled pork with pineapple barbecue sauce. Yum.

Here are all the Putnams, minus Jantzen. (from left to right...Karin, Dan, Michael, and Kristina).

We took a ride on the Pineapple Express, in the pouring rain!

Abby didn't care, she was all smiles!

Jantzen enjoyed his day too. He took a nice snooze on our train ride and then enjoyed a bunch of pineapples!

Jim and I got to look silly at the plantation too!

After the pineapple plantation, we drove to the famous North Shore. We stopped at the beach where the pipeline is. This is a very popular place for the world's best surfers and many surfing competitions. Here you can see a ton of surfers in the water. They look like tiny dots out in the water.

Jim said he would never surf, that it was too dangerous, but enjoyed watching for a few minutes!

We drove back to our hotel the long way and enjoyed the scenery. It was so beautiful with the bright sun behind the clouds. Although there wasn't any golf, the day wasn't a total wash. Now we are really waiting to tee off. T - four hours! Watch later today for more on All About Abby and Stella & Dot.
Congrats on making the cut. So sorry the PGA reduced the field for the final two rounds. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Look forward to more postings. Good luck!
Congratulation on making the cut.
Sorry I fell apart at your send off at the PGACC.
Marv thought the world of you. Keep up the good play.
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