Hello Everyone. This update is overdue, however we've been traveling and getting settled back in our home in Florida. Last week my parents and I spent some time at their home in Pennsylvania. It was a chance to catch up with some family and do some last minute things before Christmas. On Sunday the 14th we arranged a small family dinner at our favorite Italian spot, Luberto's. In attendance were my Mom and Dad, aunt Rita and cousin Jeri, and sister Lisa. On Monday the 15th Lisa and I took my niece Dana to snowboard lesson. It was warm for PA in December, but nice for spending some time in the snow! On Tuesday the 16th we went to lunch with Carol Bricker, a very good family friend, at Assou's restaurant in Telford. Then we went to Lisa's for a home-cooked meal, wow! It was a great time, with nieces Dana and Paige and Paige's boyfriend Jim. It snowed as well, so the holiday spirit was in full bloom. We left for florida the next day and have been catching up at home ever since!
Family get together

Dana's snowboard lesson

The Vargo Christmas tree

Lisa and Paige

Dad and his girls!

Lisa and Carolyn in front of the tree

Snowy Doylestown PA

Paige and Jim

Wink the Cat